At St Patrick's, we aim to cater for all students’ strengths and interests, and bring out the best in each individual. This is done in many areas and with a variety of learning experiences.
Individual Plans (IP) are a key part of the school’s response to catering for the diverse needs of learners. This response may include additional support, alternative outcomes, adjustments to programming or the learning environment.
All students who receive ‘Student with Disability’ funding have an Individual Plan developed collaboratively with parents. Regular meetings are held with key stakeholders to discuss progress and concerns.
The school utilises class based education plans to assist in meeting the diverse needs of identified students. IPs are collaboratively developed evaluated and sent home with school reports at the end of each semester.
Reading Recovery is an early intervention reading and writing program for Year 1 students through intensive one to one teaching with a trained Reading Recovery Teacher. Targeted students are withdrawn from class for individual instruction for thirty minutes every day. The length of time a child is on the program can vary.
Year 1 parents are provided information regarding this program at the beginning of the year.
Our staff are committed to the implementation of the Catholic Education Diocese of Wollongong (CEDoW) Diverse Learning Needs Policy.
Priorities set in the area of gifted education at St Patrick's include: